
Which way do you lean? Using slope aspect variations to understand Critical Zone processes and feedbacks

Published in Earth Surface Processes & Landforms, 2018


Recommended citation: Pelletier, J. D., Barron-Gafford, G. A., Guttierez-Jurado, H., Hinckley, E.-L. S., Istanbulluoglu, E., McGuire, L. A., Niu, G.-Y., Poulos, M. J., Rasmussen, C., Richardson, P., Swetnam, T. L., and Tucker, G. E. (2017) Which way do you lean? Using slope aspect variations to understand Critical Zone processes and feedbacks. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, doi: 10.1002/esp.4306.

Considerations for achieving cross-platform point cloud data fusion across different dryland ecosystem structural states.

Published in Frontiers in Plant Sciences, 2018


Recommended citation: Swetnam TL, Gillan JK, Sankey TT, McClaran MP, Nichols MH, Heilman P and McVay J (2018) Considerations for Achieving Cross-Platform Point Cloud Data Fusion across Different Dryland Ecosystem Structural States. Front. Plant Sci. 8:2144.doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.02144

Mexican wolf habitat suitability analysis in historical range in the Southwestern US and Mexico

Published in US Fish and Wildlife Service Draft Report, 2017

Recommended citation: Martínez-Meyer, E., A. González-Bernal, J. A. Velasco, T. L. Swetnam, Z. Y. González-Saucedo, J. Servín, C. A. López González, N. E. Lara Díaz, C. Aguilar Miguel, C. Chávez García, and J. K. Oakleaf. 2017. Mexican wolf habitat suitability analysis in historical range in the Southwestern US and Mexico. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 2, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.

Asymmetry of weathering-limited hillslopes: the importance of diurnal covariation in solar insolation and temperature

Published in Earth Surface Processes & Landforms, 2017


Recommended citation: Pelletier, J. D., and Swetnam, T. L. (2017) Asymmetry of weathering-limited hillslopes: the importance of diurnal covariation in solar insolation and temperature. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, 42: 1408–1418. doi: 10.1002/esp.4136.

Scaling GIS analysis tasks from the desktop to the cloud utilizing contemporary distributed computing and data management approaches

Published in XSEDE Proceedings, 2016

A case study of project-based learning and cyberinfrastructure concepts.

Recommended citation: Swetnam, T. L., J. D. Pelletier, C. Rasmussen, N. R. Callahan, N. Merchant, E. Lyons, M. Rynge, Yan Liu, Viswanath Nandigam, and C. Crosby. "Scaling GIS analysis tasks from the desktop to the cloud utilizing contemporary distributed computing and data management approaches: A case study of project-based learning and cyberinfrastructure concepts." In Proceedings of the XSEDE16 Conference on Diversity, Big Data, and Science at Scale, p. 21. ACM, 2016.

Working Paper 35: Carbon Cycling in Southwestern Forests: Reservoirs, Fluxes, and the Effects of Fire and Management

Published in Ecological Restoration Institute/Southwest Fire Science Consortium, 2016

The intent of this working paper is to explain the basics of the carbon cycle detailing how much carbon moves through vegetation, water, and soils over time.

Recommended citation: Swetnam, T.L. and Falk, D.A. (2015) Working Paper 35: Carbon Cycling in Southwestern Forests: Reservoirs, Fluxes, and the Effects of Fire and Management. Working Paper. Ecological Restoration Institute/ Southwest Fire Science Consortium, Flagstaff, United States.

Discriminating disturbance from natural variation with LiDAR in semi-arid forests in the southwestern USA

Published in Ecosphere, 2015

Discriminating amongst spatial configurations and climax size of trees in forests.

Recommended citation: Swetnam, T. L., A. M. Lynch, D. A. Falk, S. R. Yool, and D. P. Guertin. 2015. Discriminating disturbance from natural variation with LiDAR in semi-arid forests in the southwestern USA. Ecosphere 6(6):97.

Estimating individual tree mid- and understory rank-size distributions from airborne laser scanning in semi-arid forests

Published in Forest Ecology & Management, 2014

Natural semi-arid forests exhibit self-similar distributions at higher stand densities.

Recommended citation: Swetnam T.L., D.A. Falk, A.M. Lynch, S.R. Yool (2014) Estimating individual tree mid- and understory rank-size distributions from airborne laser scanning in semi-arid forests, Forest Ecology and Management 330, 271-282

Coevolution of nonlinear trends in vegetation, soils, and topography with elevation and slope aspect: A case study in the sky islands of southern Arizona

Published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 2013

Landscape evolution modelling with Critical Zone Observatory

Recommended citation: Pelletier, J. D., G. A. Barron-Gafford, D. D. Breshears, P. D. Brooks, J. Chorover, M. Durcik, C. J. Harman, T. E. Huxman, K. A. Lohse, R. Lybrand, T. Meixner, J. C. McIntosh, S. A. Papuga, C. Rasmussen, M. Schaap, T. L. Swetnam, and P. A. Troch (2013), Coevolution of nonlinear trends in vegetation, soils, and topography with elevation and slope aspect: A case study in the sky islands of southern Arizona, J. Geophys. Res. Earth Surf., 118, 741–758, doi:10.1002/jgrf.20046.

Reconstructing Landscape Pattern of Historical Fires and Fire Regimes

Published in Book Chapter: The Landscape Ecology of Fire, 2010

Analysis of historical fire patterns of severity provides a view of fire regimes before they were altered by contemporary forest management practices.

Recommended citation: Swetnam TL, DA Falk, AE Hessl, C Farris (2010) Reconstructing landscape pattern of historical fires and fire regimes, The landscape ecology of fire, 165-192.

Comparing selected fire regime condition class (FRCC) and LANDFIRE vegetation model results with tree-ring data

Published in International Journal of Wildland Fire, 2010

We compare selected FRCC and LANDFIRE vegetation characteristics derived from simulation modeling with similar characteristics reconstructed from tree-ring data collected from 11 forested sites in Utah.

Recommended citation: Swetnam, T. L., P.M. Brown (2010) Comparing selected fire regime condition class (FRCC) and LANDFIRE vegetation model results with tree-ring data. International Journal of Wildland Fire 19(1) 1-13