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Table extraction

Microsft's table-transformer can extract any table from a PDF

The have also published their šŸ¤— model library to HuggingFace

Image Analysis

Stable Diffusion & Image Segmentation Models

Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion was released by the CompVis Lab group at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.

Stable Diffusion models are available via HuggingFace

Diffusion models have two modes, forward and reverse. Forward diffusion adds random noise until the image is lost. Reverse diffusion uses Markov Chains to recover data from a Gaussian distribution, thereby gradually removing noise.

Stable Dffusion relies upon Latent Diffusion Model (LDM) ()

Example Image Generation Models

DALLĀ·E uses GPT to create imagery from natural language descriptions

MidJourney uses a proprietary machine learning technology, believed to be stable diffusion, along with natural langauge descriptions in the same way as DALLĀ·E and Stable Diffusion models. MidJourney is only available via Discord, and requires a subscription for premier access after a 30-day free trial.

Segment-Anything (Meta), Kirillov et al. , is a recently released image and video segmentation technology that allows you to 'clip' a feature from an image with a single click.

Example Video Generation and Segmentation Models

Project AIRA (Meta)

AIRA datasets

Meta's Segment Anything can instantly identify objects in complex images and videos. Built on the SA-1B dataset, one of the largest image segmentation datasets ever publicly released, it saves technicians time and helps generate new training datasets for more refined computer vision model development.

Programmer Q/A - is a search engine optimized for developers and technical questions with simple explanations and relevant code snippets from the web, drawing from sources like StackOverFlow.

Last update: 2023-05-27