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Data should be open, and follow the FAIR and CARE data principles

Pre-Print & Peer Reviewed Journals

arXiv - general science pre-print service (query:wildland fire)

ESSOAr - American Geophysical Union (AGU) pre-print service


Fire Ecology

International Journal of Wildland Fire

Journal of Fire Science

Nature - (query:wildland fire)

Science - (query:wildland fire)

Books and Technical Reports

Rocky Mountain Research Station General Technical Reports

Current International Perspectives on Wildland Fires, Mankind and the Environment

Fire ecology and management: Past Present and Future of US Forested ecosystems

Fire and Ecosystems

Fire Effects on Ecosystems

Fire on Earth: An Introduction

Stephen J. Pyne, Fire Historian

Tropical Fire Ecology

Wildland Fire Behaviour

Wildland Fire Management for Sub-Saharan Africa

Incident Maps / Historical Fire Atlases

Canadian National Fire Database

CONAFOR Fire Atlases - National Forestry Commission of Mexico (CONAFOR) fire statitics and fire atlases

Digital Earth Australian Hotspots

ESRI Fire Maps - Access wildfire data, live feeds, technology, and resources

Global Fire Emissions Database

InciWeb (USA) - is an interagency all-risk incident information management system.

NASA FIRMS - Fire Information for Resource Management System

National Infrared Operations - USDA Forest Service National Infrared Operations (NIROPS) Unit collects infrared imagery over current wildfire incidents

National Interagency Coordination Center (NICC) - is the focal point for coordinating the mobilization of resources for wildland fire and other incidents throughout the United States.

NIFC Statistics - statistics of current and past wildfire seasons

NIFC Wildland Fire Data - Federal interagency wildland fire maps and data for all

NPS Wildland Fire Risk Assessments

NPS Wildland Fire Applications

PaleoFire Database - Global paleofire databse

USFS Fire Occurance 1990-2020 - Spatial wildfire occurrence data for the United States, 1992-2020

Wildfire Risk - Wildfire risk to communities, curated risk data from USFS Research.

WIFIRE Data Commons - ML and AI for wildland fire datasets centered in California

Wildfire Decision Support System (WFDSS) - Wildfire decision support system GIS data for fire modelling


Ameriflux - eddy covariance data

Geographic Area Coordination Centers (GACC) - national interagency incident management coordination pages by region:

Earth Null School - dynamic vizualizations of Earth model and weather data

USGS Fire Danger Forecast

National Weather Service

National Fire Danger Rating System

RAMMB - Regional and Mesoscale Meteorology Branch (RAMMB) GOES-16/17 image animations.

Cyberinfrastructure for AI at the Edge (SAGE) - design and build a new kind of national-scale reusable cyberinfrastructure to enable AI at the edge

AI model training datasets

High Performance Wireless Research and Education Network (HPWREN)

Wildfire smoke detections

Radiant Earth ML Hub - cloud-based open library dedicated to Earth observation training data and models for use with machine learning algorithms.


HydroShare - CUASHI's online collaboration environment for sharing data, models, and code

  • CZO - Critical Zone Observatory data (archived on HydroShare).

Geospatial Data (infrastructure, fuels, topography)

3DEP - USGS 3DEP lidar point clouds on AWS

LANDFIRE - geospatial data and databases that describe vegetation, wildland fuel, and fire regimes across the United States

Microsoft Building Footprints - building footprints identified using ML/AI for the entire planet.

Microsoft Road Detectiions - ML/AI identified roads for the entire planet.

OpenTopography - NSF supported lidar and global elevation data


eBird - citizen science for ornithology

EcoSML - NASA supported Ecological Spectral Model Library (EcoSML), a useful tool for finding spectral models.

Environmental Data Initiative - access to LTER and LTAR datasets online

National Phenology Network - citizen science data for vegetation phenology

NEON - National Ecological Observation Network (NEON) data and API

🐀 NeotomaDB - Neotoma paleo ecology database

National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) Paleo Data Search - NCEI offers search and download of Paleoclimatic proxy data and Paleoclimate Reconstructions from the NOAA/World Data Service for Paleoclimatology archives.

Tall Timbers -

Earth Observation Systems

Drought View (University of Arizona) - satellite based drought monitoring assessment tool, uses NASA VIIRS & MODIS

EarthMap - user friendly tool for complex land monitoring powered by Google Earth Engine

LANCE - Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE)

NASA General Data Catalog

Planet Labs has signed a special use agreement with NASA to provide their data to researchers and academics.

RealEarth - is a data discovery and visualization platform developed at SSEC/CIMSS at the University of Wisconsin-Madison to support outreach and collaboration efforts of scientists.


Google Earth Engine Applications

Google Earth Engine Community Datasets

Planetary Computer Data Catalog

Last update: 2024-01-23